Upcoming &
Past Events
Hawaii Broadband Hui meetings are held weekly every Wednesday at 9am.
The Hawaiʻi Broadband Hui is a grassroots effort among a diverse group of participants established during the start of the COVID-19 pandemic to discuss opportunities and challenges faced by those in the community and offer solutions to digital inequity across Hawaiʻi. All interested individuals and orgnazations are welcome to attend the virutal weekly meetings that are held every Wednesday from 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM.
Maui Nui Digital Equity Coalition - Maui Chapter
Do you have trouble getting on the Internet? Is your Internet connection slow or not reliable? Does Moloka‘i need better Internet access? If you said YES to any of these questions, we want to hear from you! Come join us to discuss how funding from the State of Hawai‘i may be able to help.
Maui Nui Digital Equity Coalition - Maui Chapter
Do you have trouble getting on the Internet? Is your Internet connection slow or not reliable? Do you need help with using a computer? If you said YES to any of these questions, we want to hear from you! Come join us to discuss how funding from the State of Hawai‘i may be able to help.
Maui Nui Digital Equity Coalition - Maui Chapter
Goals for this meeting:
Develop digital equity project proposals to submit to the Hawaii Broadband and Digital Equity Office (HBDEO) to include in their proposal to NTIA for Capacity Grant Funding—refer to the attached worksheet.
Burt Lum of HBDEO provided an overview of the NTIA Capacity Grant program—the NOFO is attached for your information and reference.
Review and refine the Community Connectivity Survey to optimize data collection in support of upcoming grant proposals.
DHHL Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program Hoʻolehua Homestead Meeting
DHHL Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program Hoʻolehua Homestead Meeting. at 4:30 to 6:30 PM on Thursday, March 28 at Lanikeha Community Center. Contact phone number for this is 808-620-9500, website dhhl.hawaii.gov/broadband.
Maui Nui Digital Equity Coalition - Maui Chapter meeting
Meeting highlights:
Melissa Unemori Hampe of local firm Skog Rasmussen LLC led a workshop on how Maui organizations can take advantage of federal funding opportunities. Community members, businesses, non-profits, and public agencies are all invited to participate.
Micah Chao, UH Broadband Specialist, provided a presentation on the BEAD Challenge Process.
Click the button below to view the video clips from these presentations.
Maui Nui Digital Equity Coalition, Moloka‘i Chapter
Do you have trouble getting on the Internet? Is your Internet connection slow or not reliable? Does Moloka‘i need better Internet access? If you said YES to any of these questions, we want to hear from you! Come join us to discuss how funding from the State of Hawai‘i may be able to help.
MNDEC Maui Chapter Launch
At this meeting you will learn about Connect Kākou, a statewide initiative to deploy broadband infrastructure and increase digital equity in our communities. You will be informed about county-led efforts to deploy this initiative on the ground, and you will find out how you can take action to help “connect all of us together” and empower your communities. The launch will be held at the Labor & Industrial Relations Department Building conference room located at 2264 Aupuni St in Wailuku.